Trends Of Email Marketing In 2022

Gone are the days when Emails were strictly limited to professional communication within colleagues of a particular business. Email marketing is a substantial branch of digital marketing, which has witnessed a steep growth over the last few years and his predicted by intuitive experts that the trend will keep growing. In the world of internet marketing, email has become a cornerstone, with eCommerce companies alike using it as a method for converting clients and building popularity. The pandemic has pushed email marketing to the forefront as more and more people switch to online shopping, which fuels the need to digitally connect with the consumers more frequently. This platform also aids in communicating and promoting your products and business ethics which might interest the customer.

Having established the importance of email marketing, it is crucial for a business to be up to date with the latest trends and innovations to make optimum use of this platform and reach maximum customer engagement through it. The following trend list in email marketing is predicted to be the game changers in 2022 for businesses who heavily rely on this tactic to grow their business.

1) Personalized email marketing

It all comes down to how well you approach your niche or your targeted market segments. It is highly decisive for businesses to know what exactly each of their customer’s shopping trend is and accordingly send out emails with content which would be of their interest. Personalized email campaign has resulted in a ROI of 122% (Insta page); also automated emails enjoy 119% higher click rates than broadcast emails.

(Epsilon). Failing to do so might appear to be very vague and generalized, which will not persuade the customer to continue shopping with your business. With advanced automated online tools and artificial intelligence, it is easier for the marketing teams to monitor and send out personalized data and information.

2) User Generated content (UGC) or User created Content (UCC)

UGC is any form of content which is created by the final consumer. This includes videos, texts, images, and audio. User-generated reviews are extremely important to a big percentage of consumers (roughly 82%) (net hunt). Approximately 70% of all shoppers rely their purchasing decisions on other users’ evaluations and ratings (net hunt). As a result, including these in email marketing campaigns creates confidence in the items or services being offered.

3) Prioritizing privacy

The digitalized world comes with immense convenience; however, this package also comes along with threats. Customers are more aware as ever about their rights to data privacy, which puts organizations under cosmic responsibility of keeping the gathered data secured from wrong hands. Maintaining the PCI, along with alignment of the GDPR privacy rules is a crucial part of this process which needs to be done by every organization who wishes to keep records of data of their customers. Frequently reviewing privacy policies and mentioning the data protection measures adopted by the company in your emails is a good way to flaunt the ethical codes of the business to your customers and avoid any legal mishaps.

4) Redesigning the structure of the email

Long wordy emails are so yester-year! The smart phone ear needs a even smarter email layout which is user friendly and convenient for busy on-the-go customers to grab their attention. Creating a theme for your emails and a minimalistic aesthetic design will do the job. The layout and structures play a vital role on the success of your email marketing approach, the balance between your business pitch (hard and soft) and design should be done right to sustain customers.


  1. Thank you for this insightful article! The trends of email marketing in 2024 truly highlight how businesses are evolving to prioritize customer preferences. Personalized emails and user-generated content seem to be game-changers, and I’m especially excited to see how privacy measures will further enhance customer trust. Great read!

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